word processing and document creation

Articles (96)

Add a Table to Quick Tables

How do I add a table to Quick Tables?

Adding a book fold to a Word document

How do I add a book fold to my Word document?

Adding a Picture Effect

How do I add a picture effect in Word?

Adding Captions to Pictures in Word

How do I add a caption to pictures in Word?

Adding Protection to Word

How do I add protection to a Word document?

Additional tabs on Word

When will additional tabs in Word appear?

Advantages of Using a Template in Word

What are the advantages of using a template in Word?

Alt Text for a Picture

How do I add Alt text for a picture in Word after using the Accessibility checker?

Change or Set Page Margins in Word

How do I set or change my page margins in word?

Change the Building Block Content

How do I change the building block content on Word?

Compatibility Mode and Converting in Word

How do I convert out of compatibility mode in Word?

Convert a Table to Text in Word

How do I convert a table to text in Word?

Convert Text to Table in Word

How do I convert text to table in Word?

Copy and Paste a Table in Word

How do I copy or paste a table in Word?

Cropping Images in Word

How do I crop an image in Word?

Cut, Copy and Paste text in Word

What does it mean to cut text from Word?

Delete a Building Block

How do I delete a building block in Word?

Drag a Table in Word

How do I drag a table in Word?

Drag and Drop Text in Word

How do I drag and drop text in Word?

Editing and Adjusting Images in Word

How do I edit an image in Word?

Find and Replace Text

How do I find and replace text in Word?

Formatting Tables in Word

How do I format tables in Word?

Gutter margins in Word

How do I add a gutter margin?

Home tab in Word

What can I access from the home tab in Microsoft?

Hyperlink to for existing file, document, or web page in Word

How do I link to an existing file or document in Word?

Inserting on Word

How do I insert on Word?

Inserting/Deleting a Row in a Word Table

How do I insert or delete a row in a table?

Introduction to Integrating Objects in Word

What does it mean to integrate an object on Word?

Introduction to Mail Merge

What is a Mail Merge?

Margins for facing pages in Word

How do I create margins for facing pages in Word?

Missing Alt. Text for a table in Word

How do I add alt. text to a table in Word?

Modifying Tables in Word

How do I modify my table in Word?

No Header Row Specified

What do I do when I get the error No Header Row Specified?

Non-printing characters in Word

Non-printing characters

Numbering the Cells in a Word Table

How do I number the cells in a table in Word?

Open a Word Template

How do I open a template on Word?

Opening in older versions of Word

How can I open documents in an older version of Word?

Opening Word

How to open word

Page Margins in Word

How do I choose my page margins in Word?

Page Numbers Not Displaying Correctly in Word

Correcting page numbers displayed as { PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT } in Word. Usually happens with Endnote installed but research shows it can happen without Endnote.

Picture Borders in Word

How do I display a picture border in Word?

Preview and Print a Word Document

How do I print and preview a document in Word?

Quick Access toolbar in Word

How do I utilize the quick access toolbar in Word?

Recovering an Unsaved Document in Microsoft Word

Recovering unsaved Microsoft Word document after reboot or computer crash

Repeat a Table Heading in Word

How do I repeat a table heading in Word?

Resizing Pictures in Word

How do I resize pictures in Word?

Reviewing and Correcting Errors in Word

How do I use the spelling and grammar checker in Word?

Ribbon shortcuts in Word

What are some of the shortcuts for the ribbon in Word?

Rotating Pictures in Word

How do I rotate pictures in Word?

Select and Delete Text in Word

How do I delete text in Word?

Set or Change Properties

How do I set or change properties on a Word document?

Sorting Tables in Word

How can I sort my table in Word?

The Clipboard

What is the Clipboard in Word?

The Ribbon in Microsoft Word

What is the Ribbon in Word?

Using Quick Tables in Word

How do I use Quick Tables in Word?

Using Rulers on Word

How do I turn on the ruler in Word?

Using Styles in Word

How should I use different styles while in Word?

View page margins

How do I view page margins?

Word Document Text Showing Symbols

Troubleshooting Word issues

Zoom in Microsoft Word

How do I zoom in Microsoft Word?