spreadsheet software program, a powerful data visualization and analysis tool

Articles (121)

Absolute Referencing in Excel

What is absolute referencing in Excel?

Accessibility Checker in Excel

How to use the accessibility checker in Excel?

Add a Graphic to a Chart in Excel

How do I add a graphic to a chart in Excel?

Add a Report Filter in Excel

How to add a report filter in Excel?

Add Chart Titles in Excel

How do I add a title to a chart in Excel?

Add the Values in Rows or Columns in Excel

How do you add the values in rows or columns in Excel?

Add, Subtract, Multiply & Divide in Excel

How do you add, subtract, multiply, and divide in Excel?

Adding a Sparkline in Excel

How do I add a sparkline in Excel?

Adding Headers and Footers in Excel

How to add headers and footers in Excel?

AutoSum in Excel

What is the AutoSum function in Excel?

AVERAGE Function in Excel

What is the AVERAGE function in Excel?

AVERAGEIF Function in Excel

What is the AVERAGEIF function in Excel?

Basic Components of Excel

What are the basic components of Excel?

Cannot Print from Excel

How to print from Excel

Cell Styles in Excel

What are cell styles in Excel?

Change How Subtotals are Viewed in Excel

How to change how subtotals are viewed in Excel?

Change How Your Chart Looks in Excel

How do I change how a chart looks in Excel?

Change the Axis Scale in Excel

How do I change the axis scale in Excel?

Change the Chart View in Excel

How do I change chart views in Excel?

Changing the Format of the Pivot Table in Excel

How to change the format of the PivotTable in Excel?

Changing the View of the Report in Excel

How to change the view of the report in Excel?

Choosing a Chart Type in Excel

How do I choose what type of chart to use in Excel?

Clear Cell Contents or Formats in Excel

How do I clear cell contents or formats in Excel?

Combine the Contents of Multiple Cells in Excel

How to combine contents of multiple cells in Excel?

Conditional Formatting in Excel

What is conditional formatting in Excel?

Contextual Tabs in Microsoft Excel

What are contextual tabs in Microsoft Excel?

Copy a Formula to Adjacent Cells in Excel

How to copy a formula to adjacent cells in Excel?

COUNT Function in Excel

How to do COUNT in excel?

COUNTA Function in Excel

How to do COUNTA in excel?

COUNTBLANK Function in Excel

How to do COUNTBLANK in excel?

COUNTIF Function in Excel

What is the COUNTIF function in Excel?

COUNTIFS Function in Excel

How to do COUNTIFS?

Creating a Pivot Table Chart in Excel

How to create a PivotTable Chart in Excel?

Creating a Pivot Table in Excel

How to create a pivot table in Excel?

Creating Charts in Excel

How do I create charts in Excel?

Data of the Chart is Linked to the Chart in Excel

Is there a chart with data linked to the worksheet in Excel?

DATEDIF Function in Excel

What is the DATEDIF function in Excel?

DAYS360 Function in Excel

What is the DAY360 function in Excel?

Delete Worksheet Rows & Columns in Excel

How to delete worksheet rows and columns in Excel?

Dialog Box Launcher Excel

How to use the Dialog Box Launcher in Excel?

Editing Cells & Entering Expressions in Excel

How to edit cells and enter expressions in Excel?

Entering Data into a Worksheet in Excel

How to enter data into a worksheet in Excel?

Error Opening Protected Excel File

Users must sign in to Microsoft Office with USD account to view protected Excel files

Excel Formulas and Functions

What are formulas and functions of Excel?

File Tab in Excel

How to open a an existing workbook created in a previous version of Excel?

Filter by Label Filters in Excel

How to filter by Label Filters in Excel?

Filter the Row/Subject Data in Excel

How to filer row/subject data in Excel?

Filter Within a Pivot Table Chart in Excel

How to filter within a PivotTable Chart in Excel?

Find the Average, Maximum, or Minimum in Excel

How do you find the average, maximum, or minimum in Excel?

Format Chart Titles in Excel

How do I format chart titles in Excel?

Format Individual Columns in Excel

How do I format individual columns in Excel?

Format Painter Excel

How do I use Format Painter to copy the formatting of cells in Excel?

Formatting a Pivot Table Chart in Excel

How to format a PivotTable Chart in Excel?

Formatting Cells in Microsoft Excel

How do I format cells in Microsoft Excel?

Formatting Tips in Excel

What are some formatting tips in Excel?

Formula Basics in Excel

What are Excel formula basics?

Formulas & Functions in Excel

What are formulas and functions in Excel?

Freeze Rows and Columns in a List in Excel

How do I freeze rows and columns in a list in Excel?

Hidden Data in Excel

How to hide data in Excel?

IF Function in Excel

What is the IF function in Excel?

Insert a Pivot Table in Excel

How to insert a pivot table in Excel?

Insert a Slicer in Excel

How to insert a slicer in Excel?

Insert, Move, & Rename Worksheets in Excel

How to insert, move, & rename worksheets in Excel?

Inserting Worksheet Rows & Columns in Excel

How to insert worksheet rows & columns in Excel?

Installing the Analysis Toolpak Add-in for Excel

The Excel Analysis Toolpak can be enabled even though Office 365 prevents individual acquisition of Office Add-ins

Label Filter in Excel

How to use the Label Filter in Excel?

MAX Function in Excel

What is the MAX function in Excel?

MEDIAN Function in Excel

How to do MEDIAN in excel?

Merge Adjacent Cells in Excel

How to merge adjacent cells in Excel?

Merge or Split Cells in Excel

How to merge or split cells in Excel?

Message When Opening Excel Spreadsheet

Responding to an Excel message about links from external sources in an Excel workbook.

Microsoft Templates in Excel

How to select a Microsoft templates in Excel?

MIN Function in Excel

What is the MIN function in Excel?

Mixed References in Excel

What are mixed references in Excel?

MODE.SNGL Function in Excel

How to do MODE.SNGL in excel?

Modify the Properties of Your Charts in Excel

How do I modify the properties of a chart in Excel?

Moving and Resizing tips in Excel

How do I move and resize charts in Excel?

Navigate Between Excel Worksheets

How to navigate between Excel worksheets?

NETWORKDAYS Function in Excel

What is the NETWORKDAYS function in Excel?

NOW Function in Excel

What is the NOW function in Excel?

Opening Microsoft Excel

How do I open Microsoft Excel?

Order of Operation in Excel

What is the Order of Operation in Excel?

Other Workbook References in Excel

How do you reference other workbooks in Excel?

Practical Purposes of Excel Formulas

What are the practical purposes of Excel formulas?

Problem Opening Excel Spreadsheet

How to troubleshoot problems opening files from within Excel, or from Onedrive.

PRODUCT Function in Excel

What is the PRODUCT function in Excel?

Protecting Your Pivot Table in Excel

How to protect your PivotTable data in Excel?

Quick Access Toolbar in Excel

How to add commands to the Quick Access Toolbar in Excel?

Range Selection Technique in Excel

What are the range selection techniques in Excel?

Ranges & Individual Cells in Excel

What are ranges and individual cells in Excel?

Receiving ODBC Error Getting Banner or Colleague Data in Microsoft Access or Microsoft Excel

ODBC error 3146 or 3151 - contact the USD Service Desk for assistance

References to Other Worksheets in Excel

How do you reference other worksheets in Excel?

Referencing Cells in Formulas in Excel

How do you reference cells in formulas in Excel?

Relative Referencing in Excel

What is relative referencing in Excel?

Renaming Header in Excel

How to rename a header in Excel?

Resize and Move an Embedded Chart in Excel

How do I resize and move an embedded chart in Excel?

Resize Worksheet Rows & Columns in Excel

How to worksheet rows & columns in Excel?

ROUND Function in Excel

What is the ROUND function in Excel?

ROUNDDOWN Function in Excel

What is the ROUNDDOWN function in Excel?

ROUNDUP Function in Excel

What is the ROUNDUP function in Excel?

Select & Move Worksheet Cells in Excel

How to select & move worksheet cells in Excel?

Sparkline Tools in Excel

How do I use Sparkline Tools in Excel?

Split a Merged Cell in Excel

How to split merged cells in Excel?

Split the Contents of a Cell across Multiple Cells in Excel

How to split the contents of a cell across multiple cells in Excel?

SUMIF Function in Excel

What is the SUMIF function in Excel?

SUMIFS Function in Excel

What is the SUMIFS function in Excel?

The New Page Layout View in Excel

How to see the New Page Layout View in Excel?

The Ribbon in Microsoft Excel

What is the ribbon in Microsoft Excel?

TRANSPOSE Function in Excel

What is the TRANSPOSE function in Excel?

Understand Error Values in Excel

How do you understand error values in Excel?

Understanding Text, Values, & Formulas in Excel

What are text, values, & formulas in Excel?

Unlock Specific Cells in Excel

How do I unlock specific cells in Excel?

Using Date & Time Formulas in Excel

How do you use date and time formulas in Excel?

Using Older Versions of Excel

How to use older versions of Excel?

Using the Fill Handle in Excel

How do you use the fill handle in Excel?

Using Traditional Copy and Paste in Excel

How do you use traditional copy and paste in Excel?

VLOOKUP Function in Excel

What is the VLOOKUP function in Excel?

What are Pivot Tables in Excel

What are Pivot Tables in Excel?

WORKDAY Function in Excel

What is the WORKDAY function in Excel?