How to change the format of the PivotTable in Excel?
You can quickly change the format of a report.
Click anywhere in the report. At the top of the window, on the Ribbon, click the Design tab under PivotTable Tools. In the PivotTable Styles group, click the More button
so that you can see all the styles. As you move the pointer over a style, each style is shown in a temporary preview in the report. Scroll down to see all the available styles. If you see one you like, click it and it will be applied to your pivot table.

TIP: Click the “Banded Rows” check box and the Banded Columns check box to try the options. Clear the check boxes after you select them to go without banded rows or columns.
You can also turn row headers and column headers formatting off and on by clicking the Row Headers check box and the Column Headers check box in the PivotTable Style Options group. To insert blank rows into your pivot table or change the layout simply click the drop-down arrow in the “Layout” group and select how you want the pivot table to appear. Under the Design tab changes are being made to the appearance of the pivot table and it will not alter the data in any way.
For more information about Pivot Tables in Excel, please view the full tutorial from the CTL here: Excel Part 4
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