Search38 Results

How to use an external webcam for Zoom, Skype, WebEx, or other web conferencing. Smart Classroom video conference equipment is not connected to web based conferencing.
Connecting to web conferences (e.g. Zoom, WebEx) in Lee Med classrooms equipped with camera, mic, and speakers
Instructions for setting up Web Conferencing in conference rooms across campus that are not equipped with cameras, microphones, or speakers
Adjust audio settings
Install instructions for Zoom client.
Co-hosts Alternative-Host must also be licensed users of Zoom
Scheduling and Hosting a Zoom Meeting
Automatically record in Zoom and copy to course for Panopto Video library in D2L and delete Zoom recording.
How do I retrieve a Zoom recording?
Setting new Zoom recordings to automatically receive Automatic Machine Captions
Zoom account can be accessed through a web browser at or within D2L.
Requesting an App from the Zoom App Marketplace
Web conferencing camera feed is not working when trying to use a web conferencing platform like Zoom or WebEx in one of the Sanford Coyotes Sports Center PT/OT classrooms.
How to request IT support for meetings and what information to provide.
Missing ZOOM chat session recording