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The camera controls for the Main and Aux Camera have switched
What to do when the projector in a classroom will not display from document camera
How to report an issue with a security camera's video feed
How to disable rear camera when using Examplify ExamMonitor
What to do when a Security Camera is out of focus.
The camera in the Smart classroom is misaligned and needs to be re-adjusted.
Requesting Assistance With Volleymetrics Camera
Reporting a problem with the camera image in a classroom recording or video conference.
Troubleshooting steps with security camera issues
How to fix the Zoom camera issue
Please Contact the Service Desk with when the Camera Controller Stopped working
How to fix camera issues on a computer
Reporting an issue with the camera feed stopping after 30 minutes of use
Web conferencing camera feed is not working when trying to use a web conferencing platform like Zoom or WebEx in one of the Sanford Coyotes Sports Center PT/OT classrooms.
Some classrooms are equipped with ceiling or wall-mounted cameras to be used with web conferencing. This article discusses some steps to try if the camera is not showing up in a web conference application such as Zoom or WebEx.