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When/How can Instructors put grades in Self Service?
No Advisee Records in Banner Self-Service - unable to find Advisee / student records in Banner
How to confirm attendance
Self Service registration is web-based and mobile friendly, allowing students to search/register for classes anytime & anywhere on their device of choice. (Registration permitted after their time ticket date and advisor hold has been removed) .
Steps to unlock your Self Service account.
How Advisors can remove registration holds.
Follow these instructions to plan ahead for future academic terms.
Use these steps to prepare for registration. You will be able to view any holds as well as the times you can register for classes.
How to log into Self-Service
Information to provide to the Service Desk if you are unable to register for classes
Administrative departments assign registration restricting holds.
Once the student has been enrolled in the course, you may change the credit hours.
How to view Grades in Self Service.
How long will a dropped class be shown in D2L
Username and password issues accessing Self-Service Registration tool