You will find a variety of tools to assist you in incorporating safety into your work and study.

Categories (1)

Evacuation and Severe Weather Plans

Plans for all University Buildings

Articles (12)

Cause of Injury Report

Information on how to report an injury that occurred during work

Chemical Safety Manual

Chemical Safety Manual

Chemical Waste Disposal

How can I request Chemical Waste Disposal

Cleaning up Chemical Spills

What steps should be followed in the event of a spill.

Fume Hood Operations

When should you use a fume hood?

Hazardous Waste

How to handle Hazardous waste (Laboratory Chemical Waste Management Guidelines).

Identifing and Handling Peroxide Forming Chemicals

How do I identify and handle peroxide forming chemicals?

Laboratory Waste Disposal Chart

Laboratory Waste Disposal Chart

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Selection Guide

What personal protective equipment (PPE) will I need?

Protocols for Substituting and Eliminating Methylene Chloride

Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) has established protocols for substituting and eliminating methylene chloride, as well as a worker chemical protection plan.

Satellite Chemical Waste Accumulation Areas

How should chemical waste streams be stored?

USD Respiratory Protection Program

Steps through the USD Respiratory Protection Program