Dual Credit Student Resources


What are common resources used by Dual Credit students?


  1. How to setup your USD account
    1.  USD Account Pick up 
  2. How to Setup Duo Multifactor Authentication used to access USD and state-wide resources 
    1. Configuring Duo MFA 
  3. How to access D2L Learning Management System
    1. Logging Into or Accessing D2L
      Note: All email sent via D2L from your instructors and peers will automatically be forwarded to your university-assigned email address. 
      To verify your primary institution email address see step 4
      You MUST regularly monitor this address or you will miss critical information about your courses. 
  4. How to locate your primary institution details
    1. Verifying Primary Campus or Home School
  5. How do I access First Day Access Materials, that are paid for with the course? 
    1. Article - Accessing First Day Access ...
  6. How to install Office 365
    1. Installing Microsoft Office 365
  7. How to install Lockdown Browser used for test taking
    1. Installing Respondus Lockdown Browser
  8. How to add or drop a High School Dual Credit Class after already applying for a semester.
    1.   Adding or Dropping High School Dual Credit Courses
  9. Library Resources
    1. Knowledge Base - Library
  10. Charlie's Bookstore Resources (online or in person)
    1. Knowledge Base - Charlie's Bookstore & Fan Shop
  11. Additional Information about Dual Credit courses and processes can be found on USD's Dual Credit website page