Requesting Access to University Housing Deposits Database


How do I request access for a new user in my department for the University Housing Deposits database

Housing and the Business Office need access to the UniversityDeposits database


  • MS Access
  • MS SQL Server


Note: Access requests for the University Deposits database may NOT be made for yourself.  Access should be requested by the supervisor or their designee

  1. Please create a service request with the following information: 
    1. The Requestor is already filled in
    2. The Department is already filled in
    3. In the description field, add verbiage like the following:
  • Please add access for New User Name to the University Deposits database
  • Email address for New User Name is
  1. Title - copy/paste the Please add access for New User Name to the University Housing Deposits database statement again
  2. Contact me at the following number - your preference
  3. Location - your preference
  4. Attachment - not necessary
  5. Impact - required - drop-down list, select one
  6. Urgency - required - drop-down list, select one
  7. Target completion date - auto-populates
  8. Submit the request


  1. Assign request to Operations
  2. Follow Working Adding User to University Housing Deposits Database