Receiving a Warning in an Email


Why does this email message have a warning at the top? appears similar to someone who previously sent you email, but may not be that person.


  • Outlook
  • Security Tip


  • The sender's name matched a name in your mailbox, but the email address is different
  • Attackers create an email address that contains a USD employee name, then send an email to that employee's subordinates asking for a quick response or text message
  • Employees mistakenly send an email to a University address using their personal account


  1. Don't reply to the message
  2. If there's a phone number, do not call or message that number
  3. Confirm the sender is who they claim to be
    1. Confirm the email address is known to you
    2. If there is a phone number in the message, confirm is it known to you
  4. If you determine the message is not legitimate, follow the Reporting Suspicious or Malicious Email
  5. If you determine the message is legitimate
    1. Use normal channels, such as a University email address, to contact the sender 
    2. Inform them they are using a personal email account to contact a University email address
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