Reserving a Room in 25Live


  • How do I log in for 25Live?
  • I cannot log into 25Live
  •  Have been using the same password for 25 live since I started about 2 and a half weeks ago and haven't had any issues logging in, but now it's saying that my password is incorrect
  • Can I be granted access to schedule events for the department?
  • Access to 25Live
  • How do I reserve a room for a meeting?
  • Booking a room


  • 25Live


The first time you access 25Live your account is created.  Log in and wait for the Account Created email to have full access.


Note: First time users need to wait 30 minutes before they are able to create a reservation/event

Note: Chrome or Firefox are the recommended browsers for 25Live

  1. Go to 25Live
  2. Click on the Make a Reservation link in the navigation
  3. Log in using USD credentials
  4. Follow Booking an Event in 25Live Simplified to schedule a room
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Article ID: 2153
Fri 2/1/19 9:22 AM
Wed 3/20/24 8:52 AM
KCS Article Status
WIP: Only Problem & some Environment captured
Not Validated: Complete & Resolution captured, confidence lacks in structure, content, no feedback
Validated: Complete & reusable, used by licensed KCS user, confidence in resolution & std. compliance

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