Password Change or Reset


Your University username and password provides you with access to many resources.  There are two options for resetting your password, depending on whether you know your current password or not:

If you remember your current password 
  • Log into RapidIdentity
  • In the upper right corner click  Your Name 
  • Click Change Password
If you do not know your password 
  • Browse to RapidIdentity
  • Enter your username or email address
  • Click Go
  • Click Forgot Password?
  • To protect your privacy and data from being compromised, it is essential that you:
  • Change your password immediately if it is at risk for any reason, examples:
    • You shared your password
    • You have reason to believe your password is compromised
  • The following requirements have been put in place to help you in creating a strong secure password:
    • Minimum length of 8 characters
    • Must not be one of your previous passwords
    • Must not contain part of your name or username
    • Must contain a character from 3 of the 4 following categories
      • Uppercase letter
      • Lowercase letter
      • Number
      • Special character
Available To

USD Faculty, Staff, Students, as well as USD Affiliates, and Volunteers if required for their volunteer duties


Available at no cost


5.008 User Passwords 
7.1 Acceptable Use of Information Technology Systems


Related Articles (2)

How do I reset my password
Password Reset
USD Account
How to pick up USD account
Account Pickup
Account Activation
Setting up USD Email
Claim Code
claim account


Service ID: 15
Thu 7/27/17 1:54 PM
Thu 6/20/24 12:09 PM