What is the USD Getting Started widget in D2L?
This widget is found in the top-left corner of your Course Home Page, and is standard in all D2L courses. Students often look here first to find a course syllabus. This widget automatically has spaces for links to the Welcome Letter, Syllabus, and Online Student Handbook.
These words will appear in black until you link them to an uploaded document, a Google Doc, or to another place in your course. After linking these items, they will appear in blue underlined text as a hyperlink. The process for uploading or linking a syllabus is the same for all links in this widget. The Online Student Handbook will automatically be linked to all D2L shells.
For more information about D2L basics and course setup, please view the full tutorial from the CTL here: D2L 1
If you need further assistance, please click the CTL Support Request button on this page