Incorrect Faculty or Staff Information on Public Website


Why is outdated information still showing on faculty/staff listings, or individual bio pages, on the public website?

Want to remove my name from the USD directory as I no longer work for USD

Department Contact Information in People Search is incorrect and out of date

Number isn't listed correctly on Website



It can take up for 48 hours for information updated in a source system (such as Digital Measures, Banner, or Colleague) to update on the public website

Some pages on the public website aren't updated automatically and need to be manually updated

Some people have accounts that aren't updated automatically and need to be manually updated 


  1. Verify information is correct in the Address Change Form 
  2. To update your picture on USD website, fill out USD  Website request 
  3. Contact Human Resources if faculty staff if the below information is incorrect
    Note: This data is sourced from Banner which is managed by HR
    1. Name
    2. Department
    3. Job Title
    4. Building and Room Number
    5. Phone
    6. Email
  4. Faculty: Check Digital Measures if the below is incorrect
    Note: This data is sourced from Digital Measures that is managed by the faculty/staff in question
    1. Image
    2. Bio
    3. Teaching Interests
    4. Research Interests
    5. Education
    6. Grants
    7. Publications
    8. Awards and Honors
    9. Presentations
  5. Please contact the Service Desk if you fit into any of the below categories with the information that needs to be updated:
    1. The details above were updated more than 48-72 hours in the source systems
      Provide date information was updated or an email chain
    2. You have a non-standard account that is not updated from source systems
    3. If your displayed information does not use the standard faculty/staff listing component