Registering Gaming Systems, TVs, and other Smart Devices to Wired Internet

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Unable to register Xbox

Unable to register Sony Playstation - PS4

Unable to register Nintendo

Unable to register TiVo

Unable to register Roku

When trying to register I am getting this error:

Error Please verify the MAC address

I am unable to watch movies, etc. because it is not registered with USD

I am trying to connect an Amazon Firestick with an ethernet cable to a tv in my dorm.

Trying to connect an Oculus Go to the USD network

Do you know if there is a way for me to connect an oculus quest to wifi?

How do I connect my Vector Robot from Anki on wifi


  • Microsoft Xbox 360, Xbox One
  • Wired Network
  • Sony Playstation 3, Playstation 4
  • Nintendo Wii, Switch
  • TiVo
  • Roku
  • Amazon Fire Stick
  • Smart TV
  • Apple TV
  • Samsung TV
  • Google Chromecast
  • Ethernet Adapter
  • Oculus
  • Echo Dot
  • Alexa
  • Google Home Mini


Need to connect a smart device to the residence halls network, USD's wireless network does not support gaming you will need to use an Ethernet cable to connect.


  1. USD's wireless network does not support gaming you will need to use an Ethernet cable to connect
    Note: You cannot use the wireless network to connect these types of devices, if you have a wireless only gaming device see Connecting a Smart Device
  2. If you have an XBox One or an Apple TV, please register your device
  3. If you have an Amazon Fire Stick with the add on Ethernet Adapter, please bring both items to the ITS Service Desk for further assistance

Troubleshooting wired Connection 

  1. Try a different Ethernet cable
  2. Once connected devices are automatically filtered through our network and will work without any set up by ITS
  3. Try a different Ethernet cable
  4. Try connecting a laptop to the Ethernet port
    1. If your laptop connects it most likely means the other device has issues.  Please contact the manufacturer
  5. If your device is not able to connect please submit the following information online to the ITS Service Desk
    1. Device Type
    2. Device Mac Address
    3. Residence Hall location and room number
    4. Contact phone number

Note: Instructions for obtaining this information can be found on the vendor's support site:

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