Recording Using Panopto


How do I record course content using Panopto


  • Panopto
  • Recording
  • Creator


Student, Faculty or Staff needs to record using Panopto


Creating a Folder

  1. For D2L courses instructor creates Panopto folder following Adding Panopto to D2L
  2. Outside of D2L
    1. Please contact the Service Desk with the following information: 
      1. Department
      2. Who is going to be recording (creator)
      3. Users who will need access to materials (This can be a list of individuals or it can be requested that anyone with the link to the recording can view the recording)

Recording Using Computer

  1. Navigate to Panopto 
  2. Select D2L or USD Login in top dropdown menu
    Note: Select D2L for D2L courses or USD Login for med school or other courses
  3. Click Create
  4. Click Panopto for Windows
  5. Click Launch Panopto
    If Panopto application has not been installed follow prompts or see Installing Panopto Application on Computer
  6. Select your folder
    Note: This will already be filled in if signed in through D2L
  7. Enter a name for your recording
  8. In the left pane make your camera, audio, and content selections
  9. Click to start recording
      Note: during recording you may preview sources by checking the Enable screen capture preview box
  10. Click to stop the recording
  11. Click Done to save the recording
  12. Recordings are listed in the Manage Recordings tab
  13. If recording outside of D2L contact the Service Desk with the following information:
    1. Name of folder containing recording
    2. Title of recording
    3. Where recording should be placed
      Note: for example, Med School class of 2023, IMC 501

Please contact the Service Desk if you need assistance


  1. To create folder follow Creating Creator and Folder for Panopto Outside of D2L
  2. To move recording files follow Copying or Moving File in Panopto
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