How do I record course content using Panopto
- Panopto
- Recording
- Creator
Student, Faculty or Staff needs to record using Panopto
Creating a Folder
- For D2L courses instructor creates Panopto folder following Adding Panopto to D2L
- Outside of D2L
- Please contact the Service Desk with the following information:
- Department
- Who is going to be recording (creator)
- Users who will need access to materials (This can be a list of individuals or it can be requested that anyone with the link to the recording can view the recording)
Recording Using Computer
- Navigate to Panopto
- Select D2L or USD Login in top dropdown menu
Note: Select D2L for D2L courses or USD Login for med school or other courses
- Click Create
- Click Panopto for Windows
- Click Launch Panopto
Note: If Panopto application has not been installed follow prompts or see Installing Panopto Application on Computer
- Select your folder
Note: This will already be filled in if signed in through D2L
- Enter a name for your recording
- In the left pane make your camera, audio, and content selections
- Click to start recording
Note: during recording you may preview sources by checking the Enable screen capture preview box
- Click to stop the recording
- Click Done to save the recording
- Recordings are listed in the Manage Recordings tab
- If recording outside of D2L contact the Service Desk with the following information:
- Name of folder containing recording
- Title of recording
- Where recording should be placed
Note: for example, Med School class of 2023, IMC 501
Please contact the Service Desk if you need assistance