Accessing USD Ebooks


How do I access my Ebooks?

How do I assess the online books I bought at the USD Bookstore?

How do I use the eLibrary?

Sentinel U Error: The access code that was provided is not associated with a valid contract. Please verify your code and try again or contact your institution if you feel you have reached this message in error.


  • Akademos
  • SentinelU


  1.  The USD Online Bookstore eLibrary contains:
    1. First Day Access (FDA) digital material access information
      Note: Depending on the publisher, digital content will be accessed through your D2L (see instructions below 2a).
    2. E-books or digital courseware access information purchased through the USD Online Bookstore
  2. The USD eLibrary can be accessed either through D2L or USD's Online Bookstore website
    1. D2L
      1. Login to D2L
      2. In your class, click Resources in the red banner at the top of the page 
      3. Select USD Bookstore & Course Dashboard
      4. Click Read Now for the eBook you would like to access
    2. Go to USD's Online Bookstore 
      1. Sign in with your USD credentials
      2. In the upper right-hand corner, click on your name 
      3. Select eLibrary which will take you to VitalSource Bookshelf
      4. Select  VitalSource My Library
      5. Click eBook to read your eBook or select Access Code to copy your digital code to use on the publisher site
  3. If you bought the ebooks before May 2019, follow Accessing Barnes and Noble eBooks
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If eBooks were bought before May 2019 and are not located in the Vitalsource library through D2L, they can be accessed through the Barnes & Noble Yazu App.
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