How do I access my Ebooks?
How do I assess the online books I bought at the USD Bookstore?
How do I use the eLibrary?
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- Akademos
- SentinelU
- The USD Online Bookstore eLibrary contains:
- First Day Access (FDA) digital material access information
Note: Depending on the publisher, digital content will be accessed through your D2L (see instructions below 2a).
- E-books or digital courseware access information purchased through the USD Online Bookstore
- The USD eLibrary can be accessed either through D2L or USD's Online Bookstore website
- D2L
- Login to D2L
- In your class, click Resources in the red banner at the top of the page
- Select USD Bookstore & Course Dashboard
- Click Read Now for the eBook you would like to access
- Go to USD's Online Bookstore
- Sign in with your USD credentials
- In the upper right-hand corner, click on your name
- Select eLibrary which will take you to VitalSource Bookshelf
- Select VitalSource My Library
- Click eBook to read your eBook or select Access Code to copy your digital code to use on the publisher site
- If you bought the ebooks before May 2019, follow Accessing Barnes and Noble eBooks