Cisco VoIP Phone Forwarding


Needs assistance in forwarding phone


  • Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)


Call forwarding can be initiated in multiple ways

From the physical phone

  1. Push Forward all on the phone
  2. Dial the destination's phone number (658-XXXX)
  3. If the destination number is not a voip number, be sure to put a 9 before it (9-605-670-XXXX)
  4. Make a test call to ensure the forwarding was successful

Note: If forwarding to a long-distance number, any forwarded call may have applicable long distance fees billed to the voip number (9-1-605-357-XXXX)

From the self-care portal

  1. Login to the self-care portal
    Note:  If off campus you must use VPN 
  2. Click Call Forwarding along the left side
  3.  Forward all calls to: 
  4. Enter the destination's number (658-XXXX)
    1. If the destination number is not a voip number, be sure to put a 9 before it (9-605-670-XXXX)
  5. Click Save
  6. Make a test call to ensure the forwarding was successful

Note: If forwarding to a long-distance number, any forwarded call may have applicable long distance fees billed to the voip number (9-1-605-357-XXXX)

From Cisco Jabber

  1. Click the phone icon in the lower-left corner
  2. Select Forward calls to
  3. Select New number...
  4. Push Forward all on the phone
  5. Dial the destination's phone number (658-XXXX)
    1. If the destination number is not a voip number, be sure to put a 9 before it (9-605-670-XXXX)
  6. Click Forward
  7. Make a test call to ensure the forwarding was successful

Note: If forwarding to a long-distance number, any forwarded call may have applicable long distance fees billed to the voip number (9-1-605-357-XXXX)

Note: Forwarding a hunt group member will prevent from receiving hunt group calls

Please contact the Service Desk if you need further assistance

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