Requesting an Event in 25Live


Booking an event in 25Live

Making an event request on campus

Booking a room on campus


  • 25Live


  1. Please:
    • Use Google Chrome or Firefox.  Internet Explorer is NOT RECOMMENDED
    • Log in using USD credentials
    • 25Live is going to be the point of truth for almost all spaces on campus, the group or person whose event is published on the 25Live Calendar has priority 
    • If there is any conflict, please contact the person who confirmed your event
  2. Log into 25Live using USD credentials
  3. Click Create an Event
    1. On any other page besides the home dashboard, click Event Form in the upper right hand side of the screen
  4. Enter Event Name
  5. Enter Calendar Title (published to USD calendar)
  6. Enter Event Type
  7. Enter Requesting Department or Organization
  8. Enter Expected Attendance
  9. Enter Event Description
    1. If wanting event published on Public Calendar, event must include description of what event is, and who is invited
  10. Add Date
  11. Add Start Time and End Time
  12. Add a Location to your event request, in the Locations section
    Note: Confirm Hide Conflicts and Enforce Headcount are not checked
    1. In the Search Locations box, enter in search criteria either building name, room number, building initials, or virtual

    2. Click next to Saved Searches
    3. Select USD-All Locations or USD Meeting Rooms or USD Classrooms depending on the type of room you are looking for
    4. Review list of available locations
      • If event is virtual, please select U*VIRTE as your location
      • If event is off campus, please select U*Off*Campus as your location
    5. Click Request next to desired location
  13. Request Resources needed for event
  14. If adding event to Public Calendar
    • Provide Event URL if available
    • Click Yes to Add Event to Public Calendar
      • ​​​​​​​Will be required to provide Event Contact Phone, Contact Email, Name of Event Contactand Event URL 
      • can put “N/A” of no event URL is available
  15. Add additional information in Comments
  16. Check I Agree
  17. Click Submit
    Note:  After your event request has been submitted, the room scheduler will be in contact with additional information or questions
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Article ID: 6046
Tue 2/9/21 10:07 AM
Tue 11/15/22 10:53 AM
KCS Article Status
WIP: Only Problem & some Environment captured
Not Validated: Complete & Resolution captured, confidence lacks in structure, content, no feedback
Validated: Complete & reusable, used by licensed KCS user, confidence in resolution & std. compliance

Related Services / Offerings (1)

25Live is USD's primary software for booking rooms and managing reservations.