Booking an event in 25Live
Making an event request on campus
Booking a room on campus
- Please:
- Use Google Chrome or Firefox. Internet Explorer is NOT RECOMMENDED
- Log in using USD credentials
- 25Live is going to be the point of truth for almost all spaces on campus, the group or person whose event is published on the 25Live Calendar has priority
- If there is any conflict, please contact the person who confirmed your event
- Log into 25Live using USD credentials
- Click Create an Event
- On any other page besides the home dashboard, click Event Form in the upper right hand side of the screen
- Enter Event Name
- Enter Calendar Title (published to USD calendar)
- Enter Event Type
- Enter Requesting Department or Organization
- Enter Expected Attendance
- Enter Event Description
- If wanting event published on Public Calendar, event must include description of what event is, and who is invited
- Add Date
- Add Start Time and End Time
- Add a Location to your event request, in the Locations section
Note: Confirm Hide Conflicts and Enforce Headcount are not checked
- In the Search Locations box, enter in search criteria either building name, room number, building initials, or virtual
- Click next to Saved Searches
- Select USD-All Locations or USD Meeting Rooms or USD Classrooms depending on the type of room you are looking for
- Review list of available locations
- If event is virtual, please select U*VIRTE as your location
- If event is off campus, please select U*Off*Campus as your location
- Click Request next to desired location
- Request Resources needed for event
- If adding event to Public Calendar
- Provide Event URL if available
- Click Yes to Add Event to Public Calendar
- Will be required to provide Event Contact Phone, Contact Email, Name of Event Contactand Event URL
- can put “N/A” of no event URL is available
- Add additional information in Comments
- Check I Agree
- Click Submit
Note: After your event request has been submitted, the room scheduler will be in contact with additional information or questions