Cannot Start New or Reply to D2L Discussion


How can I submit responses to threads in D2L?

There are not any options to post a comment


  • Desire2Learn (D2L)


Instructors are able to lock submission times,  They set start and end dates to post to a discussion topic


  1. Access the course in D2L
  2. Click Communications 
  3. Select Discuss
  4. Click on the Topic that you are trying to view
    Note: Discussion Threads are called Topics
  5. To start a new post
    1. Click Start New Thread 
  6. To reply to a post
    1. Click the title of the thread
    2. Click Reply to thread
  7. If these options are missing
    1. Contact your instructor to see if they have locked the topic to specific start and end dates
    2. Try a different web browser