Scheduled Report/Job in Cognos Did Not Run


Expected Cognos scheduled report did not show up as expected

Report output expected on RIS FTP server is not found or does not have the correct updated date

Report output expected in a local share is not there or has the wrong date

  • Environment

  • Cognos
  • ADFS


One possible cause for this is that the person who scheduled the report/job needs to renew their ADFS credentials in Cognos after they have changed their USD password

Note: As of April 2021, all schedules on INTERFACE/APPLICATION FEED reports/jobs are running under the USD Congos Service ID, so this should only be an issue if THAT password is changed

(Credential renewal is a MANUAL process, no known automation possible, YET)


If the file on the local share has the wrong date, but the copy on the FTP directory is correct, it is possible that the scheduled job in Cognos fired after the Secure FTP process ran (scheduled incorrectly or was delayed for some reason)

If the files were not updated on the FTP server, it is possible that there was a problem with the Storage Area Network (SAN) - only RIS could tell if that were the case


If issue is due to needing to renew ADFS credentials

  1. Log in to Cognos as you normally do
  2. In the upper right part of the window is a Person icon  - click this
  3. Click the My Preferences link
  4. Click the Personal tab
  5. Click the Advanced link
  6. Click the Renew option to the right of the Credentials line
  7. Enter your domain ID in the User ID: field -- usdlocal\yourdomainID
  8. Enter your domain password in the Password field and again in the verify password field
  9. Click OK
  10. The scheduled job will not fail because of credentials the next time
  11. If YOU did not schedule the report/job, contact Service Desk with the name of the report that was expected

If issue is because timing of report is off from when FTP process runs

  1. Log in to Cognos as you normally do
  2. Click the report entry context menu 
  3. Click Properties
  4. Click the Schedule tab
  5. Click Edit
  6. Specify the schedule options
    1. Under Period
    2. Click Time field and change to what is needed
    3. Click Save

Please contact the Service Desk if you need further assistance


  1. If the files are missing contact RIS to see if here were any storage issues/Cognos issues at the time in question