Setting up Monitors


Set up monitors

Can you set up my new monitors?

We do not have the cord needed to connect a laptop to the monitor. Could we obtain another cord?

I swapped desks and when I set up my desktop again, my second monitor isn't working

How to move the content from one desktop screen to another


  • Monitor


  1. Disconnect cables from old monitor
  2. Assemble new monitor
  3. Plug cables into new monitor
    Note: DisplayPort cables should be used when possible
  4. Verify monitor works correctly
Settings for Multiple Monitors in Windows
  1. Right-click on empty area of desktop
  2. Click Display Settings
  3. Rearrange monitors
    1. Click Identify
    2. Drag numbered boxes to match actual monitor arrangement
    3. Click Apply
  4. Multiple Monitors
    1. Click Show only on 1
    2. Select Extend these displays
  5. Set primary display
    1. Click numbered box matching desired primary monitor
    2. Scroll down and click Make this my main display
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