Requesting Adding Area, Equipment or Vehicle to TMA and/or to a PM Schedule


  • Work orders to TMA update
  • Add Item to PM schedule
  • Need to add Leased Toro Utility Carts to TMA
  • Dakota Dome Interior Renovation Areas need added removed etc
  • Add New Machine to TMA


  • TMA application


Renovation of space

Purchase of equipment


Please contact the Service Desk with the following information: 

Adding areas to TMA supply:

  1. Follow Requesting a Room be Added/Updated in TMA

Adding vehicle to TMA supply:

  1. Vehicle Name that you want it called in TMA
  2. VIN#
  3. Year
  4. Make
  5. Date when purchased if available

Adding item to PM Schedule supply:

  1. Task Code if not new
  2. Item code (area, equipment, or vehicle)
  3. When it should run next
  4. What is the frequency(daily, monthly, etc.)
  5. Meter schedule (metered items only like vehicles example ever 300 hours etc.)