- Work orders to TMA update
- Add Item to PM schedule
- Need to add Leased Toro Utility Carts to TMA
- Dakota Dome Interior Renovation Areas need added removed etc
- Add New Machine to TMA
Renovation of space
Purchase of equipment
Please contact the Service Desk with the following information:
Adding areas to TMA supply:
- Follow Requesting a Room be Added/Updated in TMA
Adding vehicle to TMA supply:
- Vehicle Name that you want it called in TMA
- VIN#
- Year
- Make
- Date when purchased if available
Adding item to PM Schedule supply:
- Task Code if not new
- Item code (area, equipment, or vehicle)
- When it should run next
- What is the frequency(daily, monthly, etc.)
- Meter schedule (metered items only like vehicles example ever 300 hours etc.)