Project Request (ITS)


Note: If you have questions because something technology-related is broken or not working right and you have not been able to find a solution, please use Reporting an Incident. 

Some technology requests, such as the implementation of new systems, are managed by ITS through a project. ITS will make sure the solutions comply with security standards, work with USD's infrastructure, and are implemented properly. ITS should be included in any vendor demos and contacted before decisions are made

The process starts with the Department reaching out to ITS to determine if a project is needed. Solutions may already be available. Before opening a Project Request, please reach out to ITS through the ITS Consulting & Advising Service.

Examples of projects:

  • Classroom Upgrades
  • Migrations
  • Implementation of vendor or USD hosted systems
  • Implementation of Coyote One Stop for departments

Once it has been determined that a project is needed, the following process is used:

  1. Download the attached Project Estimate Request (PER)
  2. Have your Vice President email the completed PER to the Service Desk 
    Note:  This request must be emailed from the email account of the Vice President of the requesting area

    USD Project Request Process, 1. USD would like to buy software, system or make changes to applications, this means ITS involvement will be needed, 2. USD Requester downloads Project Estimate Request (PER), 3. PER filled out and approval of area Vice President received, 4. PER sent to the Service Desk (formerly Help Desk), ITS Project Mgmt. Office (PMO) coordinates ITS review & estimates needs, 5. USD TPC (Technology Project Committee)* reviews, decides on approval & prioritizes, 6. ITS Project Manager appointed, sets up project and coordinates work

    Note: yearly fees may apply for the maintenance and support of new applications
  • Get solutions faster by leveraging ITS' technology experience
  • Find innovative solutions that meet your needs
  • Ensure that the solution works with USD technology infrastructure and is supported
  • Security reviews
  • Take advantage of cost savings
  • Review of existing technology solutions which may meet needs, saving time and money
  • Project managers from ITS involved
Target Completion Date

Depends on the complexity of the request, may take 4-6 weeks to review

Available To

Faculty, Staff, Students with department sponsorship


There is no cost for this service


Related Articles (1)

How to download and submit a Project Estimate Request for ITS to help with the implementation or update of systems.


Service ID: 157
Thu 3/11/21 8:25 AM
Mon 2/26/24 11:02 AM