Schedule a TeamDynamix Ticket
A good time to create and use a scheduled ticket is when you have something that recurs on a regular basis such as daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. By scheduling the ticket it allows you to complete the ticket accurately and timely with a new ticket being created when you need to perform that work again. This allows you to just have to enter the ticket information once and it creates it on your schedule when needed.
Create Ticket Template
- You will need to create a ticket template
- On the app Tickets click the top right of the screen
- Click New Ticket Template
- Give your template a Name such as: Run Mindfire to SalesForce Import Process
- Choose Template Visibility option
- Choose the Form
- Choose the Classification: Incident or Service Request or Change
- Choose the Source
- Select the Requestor for the ticket
- Fill in the Description
- Choose the Service
- Give it a Title such as: Run Mindfire to SalesForce Import Process
- If the process is always the same, add the knowledge base article describing what needs to be done
Note: when the ticket is opened by the system the article will automatically be attached
- Choose who is Responsible
- Choose Priority
- For Status select New
- Type should be populated
- Click Save
Create Scheduled Ticket
- On the app “Tickets” click on the gear on the top right of the screen
- Choose “New Scheduled Ticket”
- Give your Scheduled Ticket a Name such as: Run Mindfire to Salesforce Import Process
- Choose the Schedule you want: Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly
- Make sure “Is Active” is checked
- Choose Classification: Incident or Service Request or Change
- Choose your Ticket Template which is based on your Classification chosen.
- Choose your Requestor
- Acct/Dept should populate based on Requestor. Change this if needed.
- Choose Responsible
- Leave or change Start Date and Due Date
- Click Save
Below is a sample Scheduled Service Request: