Modify and/or Recruit CSA or NFE positions


Modify and/or Recruit Existing Job Description for Civil Service (CSA) or Non-Faculty Exempt (NFE) positions


  • Employment
  • Recruitment
  • Position Management
  • Yourfuture


An initiator or supervisor needs to modify an existing job description and/or request to recruit a vacant position.


  1. Login to Yourfuture by clicking on SSO Authentication
  2. Click on the  in the top left-hand corner
  3. Select Position Management (orange toolbar)
  4. Select appropriate User Group in the top right corner – Initiator or Supervisor
  5. Click Position Descriptions drop down in the orange tool bar
  6. Select CSA or NFE (do NOT choose “XXX Position Requests”)
  7. Search for the position description or click on a title that is listed. If it cannot be found, contact
  8. On the right hand menu, select the correct option:
    1. To recruit for a CSA position select Modify Position Description – Recruit
    2. To update a CSA position but not recruit for it, select Modify CSA Position Description – No Recruit
    3. For NFE, to update or recruit, select Modify and/or Recruit NFE Position
    4. If you see View Outstanding Position Request, it means there is already an action started
      1. That action will need to be completed or cancelled before another action on the same position can be started
      2. If necessary, contact for assistance
    5. Note: the Initiator role cannot request to recruit their own position description
  9. Click Start
  10. Complete each tab on the left of the screen and remember to click Save or Save & Continue in each tab.
    1. In the Justification for the request, answer the following required questions:
      1. What is the alternative to filling the position? In other words, can an interim be named and hold on filling the vacated position?
      2. What are the consequences of holding the position vacant?
      3. If necessary, what position would you cut (not including those currently “held”) in order to fill this position?
        Note:  Some screens have buttons to add “repeatable” items (job duties, fund sources, etc.); use the blue button to add another entry as needed
  11. On the last screen, select “Take Action on the Position Request” at the top right of the screen.
    1. Route according to your organizational structure
      Note: Contact USD HR at for more information
      1. The standard approval process for recruit requests is:
        • Initiator or Supervisor creates and submits the request in Yourfuture
        • Dean/Director reviews and approves – this step is optional, depending on the org structure and leadership expectations
        • Budget (for main campus) or College Budget (for Health Sciences)
        • Vice President/Admin
        • Human Resources (initial review)
        • President (approval to recruit) – all positions need the approval of the President prior to any advertising.
        • Human Resources (finalize and post)
  12. Add to Watch List to add action to your Home screen to make it easier to access 

Note: All job postings outside Yourfuture need to be reviewed by HR for legal compliance before the job gets posted (i.e., social media postings, newspapers, other job sites, etc.)

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