Generate and Setup SSH Keys With Lawrence


How do I make and setup SSH Keys for Lawrence?


  • MobaXTerm
  • Shell
  • Bash
  • Zsh


Want to securely connect to HPC resources


  1.  Open a terminal on your local machine
    Note: This can be MobaXTerm (Windows), or Bash/Zsh (Linux or Mac)
  2. Type ssh-keygen and press enter
    Note: This generates a keypair on your local machine
  3. Press enter to accept the default path
  4. Press enter to skip the passphrase
  5. Press enter again to confirm
  6. Type ssh-copy-id and press enter
    Use your own name instead of first.last
    Note: This sets up the newly generated key for use on lawrence
  7. Type your password and press enter
  8. Complete the Duo second factor authentication
  9. Type ssh to test your SSH Key
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