Requesting New/Update Route/Inspection Form in TMA

Tags TMA webtma


  • Adding a new route in TMA
  • Review Custodial Inspections Add/Update accordingly
  • Update Custodial Inspection Form  to change areas always inspected


  • TMA


 Business has need for Route and/or Inspection Forms be added or updated


Please contact the Service Desk with the following information: 


New Route

  1. If you want to copy an existing route, please give us the Code and any updates to the route
  2. If you want to create a new route, please provide the following information
    1. Description
    2. Code
    3. Supervisor (Banner ID included if known)
    4. Custodian (Banner ID included if known)
    5. All locations to be associated with this Route
    6. Areas to always inspect
  3.   New routes require Custodial Inspection Form, please provide following information
    1. Description, Code, Type will be used from Route above
    2. Inspectors for Custodial Inspection Form that ties to this Route
    3. Inspection Type
    4. Random % and do they want it Weighted
    5. Due Every
    6. Next Date for it to generate inspections

Update Route