- Adding a new route in TMA
- Review Custodial Inspections Add/Update accordingly
- Update Custodial Inspection Form to change areas always inspected
Business has need for Route and/or Inspection Forms be added or updated
Please contact the Service Desk with the following information:
New Route
- If you want to copy an existing route, please give us the Code and any updates to the route
- If you want to create a new route, please provide the following information
- Description
- Code
- Supervisor (Banner ID included if known)
- Custodian (Banner ID included if known)
- All locations to be associated with this Route
- Areas to always inspect
- New routes require Custodial Inspection Form, please provide following information
- Description, Code, Type will be used from Route above
- Inspectors for Custodial Inspection Form that ties to this Route
- Inspection Type
- Random % and do they want it Weighted
- Due Every
- Next Date for it to generate inspections
Update Route