Problems Accessing Computers Through Remote Desktop Connection


Can't find office computer through Remote Desktop Connection


  • Windows OS
  • Remote Desktop Connection


Multiple Causes


Note: Remote Desktop Connection does not work through 

  1. Restart the computer you are physically at
  2. Connect to VPN if trying from off campus
  3. Verify the computer you are trying to connect to is on
  4. Restart the computer you are trying to connect to
  5. Try connecting through the IP address
    1. Click
    2. Type cmd
    3. Click Command prompt
    4. Type ipconfig
    5. Hit Enter
    6. Your ip address is the IPv4 entry  i.e.
  6. ​​​​​​​Uninstall Video Drivers
    1. Type Device Manager in the Windows  search bar
    2. Open Device Manager
    3. expand Display adapters
    4. Right-click the display adapter
    5. Click Uninstall Device
    6. Check  Delete the driver software for this device.
    7. Click OK
    8. Restart Windows