Downloading Survey Data from Qualtrics


Need to download Qualtrics survey data either for reporting or to use it to format PsychData data for import into Qualtrics


  • Qualtrics


USD chose Qualtrics to replace all other survey software on campus


  1. Login to Qualtrics
    Note: Assumption is a project and a survey already exists that data is being exported for
  2. Click Projects
  3. Click Survey to download data for
  4. Click Data & Analysis on gray bar
  5. Click Export & Import
  6. Click Export Data
  7. Select file type from Download Data Table dialog that pops up; it defaults to CSV
  8. If using the exported data as a guide in order to format the PsychData data to be imported, click on the radio button Use numeric values
    If not using data as a guide for importing PsychData then download the data the way it makes sense for how it is going to be used
  9. Click Download
  10. Either open file to view immediately, or save file - which puts it in the Download folder
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Qualtrics Research Suite is a powerful survey tool that is highly customizable and easy to use.