Application is being blocked with Java pop up windows
Java screen flashes and won't open
I need Argos for the transcripts
Javascript does not show the secure login popup
Error: Application blocked by deployment ruleset error
Error: Application blocked for Security. Failed to validate certificate.
- Banner
- WebNow
- Windows
- Java 8 121
- ImageNow
- Evisions
- Argos
Expired certificate in the Java deployment ruleset
- Rename C:Windows\Sun to C:\Windows\sun.old
- If you receive the error - cannot rename, folder in use, close all Internet Explorer windows and retry, this will allow the rename to complete
- Verify is in the Java exception list
- At the bottom of the screen, in the "Type here to search" box, type Java
- Click on the Configure Java App
- On the "Security" tab there is an area titled "Exception Site List" - make sure the address above is in the list
- If not, click the "Edit Site List" button
- Copy the address in blue above
- Click the "Add" button
- Paste the link into the blank space
- Click OK, then click OK again