Coyote Card Event Reader Not Working


Coyote Card reader they use for event tickets for faculty/staff is not working properly

The Coyote Card Event Reader is stuck in the Demo Profile

The iValidate license has expired

Error: Inactive

Error: Event Inactive

Error: Offline


  • Blackboard
  • Event Reader
  • iPad
  • MRD5
  • iValidate


Note: See Coyote Card Reader Not Working for all other Card Readers

  1. Confirm iPad and MRD5 are powered on and charged
    1. Press and hold the power button on the MRD5 until it beeps and lights up
    2. Press and hold the power button on the iPad to turn it on
    3. Enter PIN to unlock iPad
    4. iPad battery percentage is displayed in the top right corner
    5. Open iValidate App
    6. Select Start
    7. Enter PIN
    8. Select OK
    9. Select an Event
    10. MRD5 will beep to signal it is connected
      Note: If an error message appears, skip to step 2
    11. When MRD5 has connected, battery percentage is displayed under Enter/swipe card
    12. Skip to step 3
  2. Confirm MRD5 is paired with iPad
    1. Open  Settings
    2. Select Bluetooth
    3. Confirm Bluetooth is toggled on 
      Note: If the MRD5 is unpaired in Bluetooth Settings it will automatically pair again once an Event is selected in the iValidate App.
    4. Open iValidate App
    5. Select Start
    6. Enter PIN
    7. Select OK
    8. Select an Event
    9. MRD5 will beep to signal it is connected
      Note: If an error message appears, confirm the MRD5 is powered on and select Try again
    10. Contact the Service Desk for assistance if the error message persist
  3. Confirm iValidate App is Online and not in demo mode
    1. Confirm iPad is connected to Wi-Fi
      1. Open  Settings
      2. Select  Wi-Fi
      3. Confirm Wi-Fi is toggled on 
      4. Tap  next to eduroam
      5. Confirm Auto-Join is toggled  on
      6. Confirm Private Wi-Fi Address is toggled  off
        Note: Private Wi-Fi Address must be off and the Event Reader must be connected to Eduroam for iValidate to upload transactions. If the Event Reader does not automatically connect to Eduroam, please Contact the Service Desk for further assistance
        Note: Event Reader will continue to function and will store transactions on the device until reconnected to Eduroam
    2. Open iValidate
    3. Select Start
    4. Enter PIN
    5. Select OK
      Note: If Online is displayed in the bottom left corner of the screen then the event reader is working correctly
    6. Tap Offline and select Yes. Switch to online when prompted
    7. If Demo Profile is displayed at the top of the screen please contact the Service Desk with the following information
  4. If the Event Reader is still not working correctly, please contact the Service Desk with the following information
    1. Name
    2. Phone Number
    3. Asset tag (NI#) of Event Reader
    4. Location of the device
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