I purchased the laptop through Med School laptop program and am having issues, can you check it
My laptop is not working, can you check it
Broken screen
Laptop has display anomalies
My charger was lost or stolen, can I get a replacement
My laptop is not able to connect to the WiFi
The date and time are wrong on our laptop
- Med School Student
- Med School laptop program
- Personal computer
- USD computer
- Computer purchased through USD
- Please contact the Service Desk with the following information
- Explain the issue
- Computer Serial number
- Med students may stop by Lee Med 115 or contact the Service Desk for assistance
- Computers purchased through the Med School’s laptop program will receive priority on-site warranty service from Lee Med ITS and USD ITS support teams
- During maintenance on a computer purchased through the med school laptop program a loaner laptop will be supplied
- Loaners and warranty repair service are not available for med students who did not purchase through the laptop program. Failures during an exam may result in forfeiting points for the exam
- The warranty does not cover lost or stolen items