Cognos Report Does Not Run


Unable to run Reports

A cognos report is not working. 

Error: Unable to find the connection ODS in the content store

Error: Unable to find the connection "colleaguePROD" in the content store

Error: Run-tem error '3151':

ODBC--connection to 'CODSP' failed.

Error: Data source adapter error: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row

Run report behind the scene to excel and I never received email with the report


  • Cognos


 user has not been assigned to the appropriate permissions group in Cognos


  1. Please contact the service desk with the following information:
    1. Name of Cognos Report
    2. Location of Cognos Report
    3. Error Message received
    4. User ID
    5. Phone number


  1. Follow the instructions to Granting Cognos Reporting Access

If the issue is with running the report behind the scene and the user never receiving an email with the report:

  1. Follow the instructions for Researching Possible Error in Cognos