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Coyote One Stop
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Coyote Cash Vendor
Coyote Cash Vendor Support
Coyote Cash Vendor Support
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Coyote Cash Vendors use this to submit a ticket to Coyote Card Office.
Please select the location
Burger King
Café Brule
Casey's (Jefferson)
Casey's (Princeton)
Charlie's (downtown)
Coffee Cup
Dakota Brick House
Jimmy John's
Latte Da
Mexico Viejo
Mr. Smith's
Old Lumber Company
Pied Piper Flowers
Pizza Ranch
Pump N Pak
Starbucks (Hy-vee)
Taco John's
Primary Contact Name
Plese list dates and times ITS can meet with primary contact
Please list out the days of the week and times of the days that University of South Dakota Information Technology Services technician can meet with the primary contact.
What issue are you experiencing?
What issue are you experiencing?
Coyote cash error
Need thermal paper
Unable to process transactions
Please provide the error messages you are receiving
Please list all error messages you are receiving
Please select the date the issue started
Please select the date the issue started
Please list the troubleshooting you have attempted
Target Completion Date
The due date indicates the date that the work on the ticket is to be completed. If the ticket has estimated hours associated, the due date is the end of the resource allocation range.
Other Fields
Your name
Your first name
Your last name
Your email address
Your phone number
Verification Code