Assign Business School Azure Labs Virtual Machines


How to assign published Azure Lab machines to B-School students or users of the lab


  • Azure Labs


  1. Sign into Azure Labs
    Note: you must be a lab creator to assign lab machines
  2. Click the lab to assign
  3. Click Users
  4. Click Add users manually
  5. Click Add by email address
  6. Enter the users' email addresses on separate lines or on a single line separated by semicolons
  7. Click Add
    here is a link to the Microsoft article on this topic
  8. Select Invite all to send an invitation to all users
    Note: there is an option to include a custom message when sending the invite
    Note: you also have the option to select individual users to send individual invites

Used for the following Business Courses: ACCT 320/720, BADM 323, BADM 720, DSCI 405/505, & DSCI 723