Run report for incomplete documents in Banner


How do I obtain a list of incomplete documents in Banner under my User ID?


  • Banner


All incomplete documents need to be completed by fiscal year end processing


  1. Log into Banner
  2. Type FZRIDOC in the search area
  3. Enter
  4. Click Go
  5. Type DATABASE in the printer field
  6. Click on Next Block to move to enter report parameters
  7. Enter Y in the values flield next to each value or values that apply or enter Y in the value field next to Include All Document Types.
  8. Enter your User ID in the Value Field under each Y value entered, if it not already populated
  9. Click on Next Block
  10. Click on the Submit radio button
  11. Click Save at the bottom of the screen
  12. You will get an email from <> saying that your job is done, please check the output for errors.
  13. Go back to Banner and type GJIREVO in the search area
  14. Enter
  15. Click on the ellipsis next to File Name:
  16. Highlight the output file that does not have your name in the name
  17. Click OK