Time and Leave FAQ


What are some common issues or questions related to leave and timesheets?


  • Q: My supervisor is asking me to submit my timesheet the day before the due date so he/she has more time to review them. Is this appropriate?
  • A: Yes, as long as your time can be accurately recorded by the requested submission date/time.


  • Q: Can I enter time on my timesheet in advance?
  • A: The timesheet should be accurate at all times, even if not yet submitted. With the exception of leave that has been preapproved, entering hours worked on the timesheet in advance is not appropriate.


  • Q. How often should I enter my hours worked on the timesheet?
  • A:  Timesheets should be kept submission ready at all times. In the event you are unavailable when timesheets are submitted, you may still be paid properly if your timesheet has been kept up-to-date.  Supervisors are not responsible for entering hours worked.
  • Q: I don’t see a link to my timesheet for the current pay period what do I do?
  • A: First go to the Employee Dashboard and click Enter Tim,. This will provide a full list of all available time reports. If it is still not showing, then contact your supervisor and/or Human Resources to determine if the proper authorization to work has been submitted in the system.
  • Q: What if I missed the submission deadline?
  • A:   It is important that you plan ahead and know the deadlines. If you miss the deadline, you may not get paid until the next pay period. Except for extenuating circumstances, supervisors will not enter and submit time for you.


  • Q: Can anyone access my electronic timesheet or leave requests?
  • A: Only your supervisor, their proxy, and HR/Payroll related staff can access your timesheet and leave requests.


  • Q: Should employees share their User ID and password with others?
  • A: Due to the confidential nature and sensitive information that can be accessed through Experience portal , employees should never share their User ID and password with anyone. HR/Payroll staff will never ask for your password.


  • Q:Should the amount of leave taken be adjusted if I’ve worked extra hours in the same pay period?
  • A:Typically the hours taken on a leave request should be adjusted if the total paid hours on the timesheet exceeds the standard hours for the pay period. For example, if the regular hours for a full-time position are 176 in a pay period, and you took one day (8 hours) of leave during week one, and then work an extra 2 hours the next week, your total hours for the pay period would be 178. This exceeds the budgeted, normal payroll for your position for that pay period. In this case, the hours of leave taken in the first week should be adjusted to 6. Your paycheck would be equal to your regular pay, and if you worked more than 40 hours during week two, you would receive appropriate compensatory time in accordance with overtime laws. Additionally, you have saved 2 hours of leave for future use! The exception to this leave adjustment rule is if annual leave is being taken to avoid reaching your maximum leave accruals. The number of hours each pay period varies based on the number of working days in a pay period.