I have someone volunteering in my department. What paperwork do I need to complete?
- Volunteers
- Docusign
- Banner
- Risk Management
Volunteers will be used to perform work on campus or on behalf of the University.
Note: It is vital that volunteers be documented in our Banner system for the purpose of risk management (in the event they are hurt while volunteering)
Note: Persons who have traveled to the U.S. on a temporary visa may not be allowed to perform volunteer work. Volunteering may impact their current or future visa statuses. Contact Human Resources or the Gallagher International Center for more information.
Note:Department administrative staff who submit payroll documents (epafs) will need information from the volunteer to set up a person as a volunteer in Banner. Volunteer paperwork to get the epaf submitted is handled through Docusign.
- To submit a request for a volunteer you will need:
- The name and email of the administrative staff in your department that processes epaf payroll documents
- The name and email of the volunteer
- Use the online Volunteer Docusign to begin the paperwork:
- Enter the name and email of the person who does the epafs in the first fields
- Enter the name and email of the volunteer in the second fields
- Click “Begin Signing” – the document will go to the indicated staff member and the volunteer to complete
- If they need a USD account to access University resources submit Sponsored Account Request
- Account Type =Affiliate
- Affiliation = Volunteer
Please contact Human Resources if you need further assistance