Turnstiles not working correctly


The turnstiles are accepting people into the building by pushing everything to Fusion, however, it is still beeping like they just walked through without swippping
Unable to access Event Plan
When a person swipes or taps and walks through, it makes the “ta da” membership approved noise followed by a beep like you just walked through


  • Turnstiles
  • Fusion
  • Card Reader


  1. Verify everything is plugged in and turned on
  2. Make sure circuit board is turned on
  3. Verify Turnstiles didn’t get switched where you swipe in 1 but it says you are swiping in 2
  4. Shut down and turned back on the Turnstiles
  5. Please contact the Service Desk with the following information: 
    1. Location of issues
    2. Issue you are seeing


  1. Follow Troubleshooting Turnstiles