Installing Bluebeam Revu


How do I install the latest version of Bluebeam?


  • Bluebeam
  • Windows
  • Software Center


Note: Bluebeam Revu is available by subscription only

  1. Close all open web browser windows
  2. Close all Microsoft Office applications
  3. Open Start Menu
  4. Click on Microsoft Endpoint Manager
  5. Open Software Center
  6. Choose Applications
  7. Click  Bluebeam Revu x64 20.2
  8. Click Install
    Note: Installing will remove all previous versions of Bluebeam.
  9. After Bluebeam has installed, open Bluebeam
  10. Click Revu menu
  11. Select Register
  12. If Bluebeam fails to install, Please contact the Service Desk with the following information: 
    1. Name
    2. Computer NI number
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