USD Color Standards


What are the color standards for USD's website?


  • USD Websites
  • SiteCore


Note: Please view Indesign Swatches document for visual reference of colors. 

  1. Coyote Red (PANTONE 186)
    1. CMYK: 0,100,80,13
    2. RGB: 210,21,51
    3. #D21533
  2. Dark Red 1
    1. CMYK: 0,100,80,38
    2. RGB: 161,7,43
    3. #A10729
  3. Dark Red 2
    1. CMYK: 0,100,80,65
    2. RGB: 130,0,20
    3. #820014
  4. Black
    1. 100% - RGB 0,0,0 #000000
    2. 80% - RGB 88,89,91 #58595B
    3. 34% - RGB 180,182,184 #B4B6B8
    4. 7% - RGB 237,237,238 #EDEDEE
    5. 0% - RGB 255,255,255 #FFFFFF
  5. PANTONE Warm Grey 9
    1. CMYK: 0,11,20,47
    2. RGB: 153,140,124
    3. #998C7C
  6. BLACK 80
    1. CMYK: 0,0,0,80
    2. RGB: 88,89,91
    3. #58595B
  7. PANTONE 716
    1. CMYK: 0,45,91,0
    2. RGB: 249,157,48
    3. #F99D30
  8. PANTONE 2622
    1. CMYK: 64,93,31,18
    2. RGB: 103,49,101
    3. #673165
  9. PANTONE 730
    1. CMYK: 0,38,78,29
    2. RGB: 186,129,58
    3. #BA813A
  10. PANTONE 323
    1. CMYK: 100,43,55,25
    2. RGB: 0,95,99
    3. #005F63


Article ID: 5155
Wed 6/10/20 8:53 AM
Mon 9/25/23 11:21 AM
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