Listserv Send Policy


What is the send policy on a listserv?


  • Listserv


  1.  If you are not the list owner please contact the Service Desk with the following information: 
    1. Name of the list you sending to or experiencing and an issue with
  2. If you are the list owner
    1. Login into listserv
    2. Select your list in the drop down
    3. Review the send policy
    4. Send= Public: Anyone, including spammers, can send mail or files to the list.
    5. Send= Public,Confirm: Anyone can send to the list, but LISTSERV will request confirmation from the sender using the OK mechanism. If the sender responds with "ok", the message will be posted to the list.
    6. Send= Private: Only people who are subscribed to the list may send mail or files to the list. This setting won't protect your list from someone forging (i.e., spoofing) a subscriber's email address, and so unwanted email can still get to the list.
    7. Send= Private,Confirm: Only people who are subscribed to the list may post to the list. LISTSERV will request confirmation from subscribers via the OK mechanism. Non-subscribers will not be able to post to the list; LISTSERV will send them a rejection message. Use this setting to protect your list from senders of forged email.
    8. Send= Editor,Hold,Confirm: LISTSERV initially sends all postings to the list editor(s) that are defined in the list's Editor keyword. LISTSERV holds messages for a period of time (usually seven days) until an editor approves them with the OK mechanism. LISTSERV will advise senders that their messages have been forwarded to the list moderator. Use this setting to protect your list from someone trying to forge email from the Editor's address.
      Note: The Hold option is valid only with Send= Editor.
    9. Send= Owner: Only the list owner may send to the list.