Checking if Students have Ordered Books

Tags Akademos


How can I see if students have ordered their books through the online bookstore?


  • Charlie's Bookstore website
  • Akademos


Faculty, administrators or athletics would like to see if books have been ordered by a particular student


  1. Go to
  2. For computers or laptops, click Log in  
  3. Login with USD Account
  4. Verify with DUO (two-factor authentication)


  1. Under Administrator (only available for Admins), click START HERE
  2. On the left, select Analytics
  3. Make sure the correct semester is listed on the top left, if not select appropriate semester
  4. Click Enrollments
  5. In the Search by Student field, enter name of student to see results
    Note: Required Materials shows the number of materials needed, next to it is the number of purchased materials 

    Please contact Charlie's Bookstore & Fan Shop in the MUC if you need further assistance.