Online USD Bookstore Login Error or Course Missing

Tags Akademos


Students: I want to order my books but get the following error:

Faculty: I want to adopt books for my course but get the following error:

Login Error: Your login was unsuccessful because your course registration information is not yet available in the Virtual Bookstore for one of the following reasons:

  • Your course registration has not yet been received by the Virtual Bookstore (it can take up to 24 hours)
  • You are not currently registered student, faculty member, or department administrator.
  • You will be redirected back to in a few seconds. You may browse or search for your courses and pay by credit card or try to login at a later time. 

I don't see my courses in the online bookstore


  • USD Online Bookstore
  • Akademos 


  • Not registered as the instructor or not registered for the class
  • Registered today and the update to the bookstore is not yet available



  1. Make sure you are registered for the class in Banner Self Service or in the USDGo App under My Courses
  2. If you have just registered for the class today, please wait a day
  3. If this does not apply, please contact the Service Desk with the following information: 
    1. Class Missing (MATH101)
    2. Term (Summer, Fall or Spring)


  1. If your class has not been set up in D2L, contact the Registrars' Office to get your class set up
  2. If this does not apply, please contact the Service Desk with the following information: 
    1. Class Missing (MATH101)
    2. Term (Summer, Fall or Spring)